wtorek, 1 listopada 2016

The shortest volleyball player

   When we think about volleyball, we usually imagine a group of tall and strong people, who can jump high. Probably this is the reason why a lot of short people give up on their dreams about a volleyball career and start believing that they don't stand a chance because of their height.
Of course- being tall is very helpful in volleyball but it's not a prerequisite. So that's why I want to write about a person who goes against the trend and shows that you can be a volleyball star without being 1,90-meter tall- FARHAD ZARIF.

   Farhad is an Iranian volleyball player who is only about 1,65 meters. His range in spike is 2,90 m and in block 2,71. He used to play in Iran National Team in 2006-2014 as a libero- a person who receives balls. What's more, he won 7 awards for being the best libero during Asian Club Championships, FIVB World Grand Champions Cup and Olympic Qualification Tournament and 3 for being the best receiver. He is known as one of the best players in the volleyball industry.

   In my opinion, his example shows that everyone can follow their dreams and achieve their aim even if it looks impossible at first glance. All you have to do is believe in yourself and focus on your goals.


My sources:


1 komentarz:

  1. An impressive example of a career against all odds.
    I remind you to use English-language sources only!
