niedziela, 27 listopada 2016

Controversy around beach volleyball outfits

                Everybody has played beach volleyball, at least once in their lifetime. However, we don’t really think about the clothes. On the contrary, for professionals the clothes are number one concern. There are very strict dress codes for men and for women. To me it’s really strange and unfair that men have to play in tops and shorts while women wears skimpy bikinis. I remember a situation from my experience when a friend of mine wasn’t allowed to play in shorts. It was said to have been against the rules.

                Luckily, the rules have changed in 2012. The communications director for USA Volleyball says that it is our choice what we wear. It’s only the men who are obliged to wear tops. They have to do it for identification because the names and numbers are there.

                Thanks to the change in dress code rules, the Egyptian team could play in long-sleeved outfits this Olympics. I’m very glad that the rules maker were sympathetic towards their religion.

                I think that the changes are for the best but still the system is faulty: men are unhappy about t-shirts in the boiling hot weather and women resent their clothes when it’s cold.

My sources:

1 komentarz:

  1. I always thought that most of the 'fun' the (predominantly male) audience had in watching women play beach volleyball came form the fact that they were wearing the 'skimpy bikinis'. At least now you have a choice.
