niedziela, 16 października 2016

The longest set ever

   A few years ago, my volleyball coach came up with an idea of quizing one another. Everybody had to think about some questions to test other people but it turnt out that even the makers of the questions didn't get the answers correct. That is how I discovered the problem of the longest set in history.
   As we know, in volleyball we play 3 sets until someone scores 25 or one team has to reach 2 points more than the other- so that means that even at 25, they have to keep on playing until one team is visibly better. That usually takes about half an hour- sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, depending on the strenght of the players. And what if none of the teams refuses to give up and they keep playing better and better? How long would the longest set last? How many points would the teams score?
   Let's look at some examples from the history of volleyball. The longest set ever ended with the score of 87-85. The game was played in Czechoslovak League in 1979. Unfortunatly none of my sorces tells me how long it took. I wish I'd known! However, the higest scoring set in a World Cup reached 32-34 when Canada beat Australia in 2015.
   I really admire the players for their stamina and emotional strenght.



My sources:

2 komentarze:

  1. Back in 1979 the rules will have been different - the team only scored a point if they had been the ones who served that ball. This made a volley ball game considerably longer. So, 87-85 must have taken a few hours!
    Please spell STRENGTH correctly!

  2. Are you keen on discovering which films and games contain cameos of your favourite ball game? Check out this top 5 list for all the most popular volleyball movies.
