niedziela, 26 marca 2017

Global News 24 March

The Syrian government forces backed by Russian and Iranian allies have just recaptured again the city of Palmyra. The city is known for tourist attraction: the ancient, Roman theatre. It is part of global culture heritage. Last December, when the allies had it for the first time two concerts were organized there: Russian and Syrian. ISIS destroyed the centrepiece and staged executions there as an act of revenge. The nearby city is in ruins as well.

It’s really shocking how cruel people can be for each other. I can’t understand why ISIS is killing so many innocent victims and publicise it on services like YouTube. What is more, I cannot begin to understand why you should destroy building important for the history of the whole world. It is their history too.


 -grizzly= full of blood and violence
ISIS made a lot of grizzly executions.

-flee-fled-fled= run away
After the attack, the people fled their homes.

-evict= be forced to leave
The family with three children was evicted from their flat.

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