sobota, 11 marca 2017

Global News 10 March

After decades of allowing only one child per family, China agrees for two. The government is trying to encourage women to have children through providing nurseries in workplaces. However, it takes a lot more to raise a child: the costs of education and healthcare are huge. Day-care will not suffice. The reason for the change in policy is what the Chinese call 4-2-1. It means that one child has to support 2 parents and 4 grandparents, which seems difficult.

The above goes to show that governmental actions undertaken in order to change people’s traditional way of life, meddle with their privacy are counterproductive in the end.  The previous legislation allowing only one child brought about a lot of suffering. Changing what people got used to will not make them happy either.  

-cite= quote
She cited Hamlet’s words in her composition.

-stave off= keep away, put off
I tried to stave off the cold by wearing warm overcoat.

-concerns= something you worry about
Growing environmental concerns made a Minister change the law.  

1 komentarz:

  1. It's a little like interfering with the natural environment - you bring a new animal or plant into it and everything changes forever.
