sobota, 10 grudnia 2016

Team building

                The team is the foundation of volleyball. Each player must know his place. However, I think it’s really emotionally difficult. Usually only the ones who score points become stars. The public doesn’t seem to remember that is the whole team’s work and other players have important tasks too. That can be very hard for them and could have destructive effects. That is why I got interested in the idea of team building activities and games. I’d like to present some of them:


As we all know, the team which is like small family, is based on trust and support. In this game people work in pairs- one person recalls a negative experience and tells the other about it. It has to be true! The other person then talks about the same experience trying to find positive aspects. Then they swap roles.

2. The Perfect Square

This game is about working together. You need some props: a piece of rope tied together and a blindfolds for each person. You make people form a circle holding the rope. Then they put the rope on the floor and put on their blindfolds. Next they walk a little away from the rope. When you ask them to, the participants must find the rope and try to arrange a square.

3. The Mine Field

This game is great for communication. Again some props are needed: a number of small objects and blindfolds. You divide the group into two smaller groups. One group put on their blindfolds and the other stands and gives verbal direction to the blindfolded people. The object of the game is not to step on the small object on the floor. It’s a great test in trust and communication.

4. Truth And Lies

This game is really fun. Each person tells three facts about themselves. Only  one of them is not a fact at all. It’s a lie. After each presentation, the team players try to spot the lie.

5. This Is Better Than That

One variation of this game is The NASA Game. You are given a list of objects and the group’s task is to decide which ones are going to be the most useful in performing a task. The task can be anything, like saving the world from aliens for example.

                I think it could be real fun to play one of them.
My sources: 

1 komentarz:

  1. Do you mean we could play some of them in our English class? That would be no problem if that's what you want. Actually some of them can be found in resource books for teachers - after all, team building is useful in many areas of life.
