sobota, 17 grudnia 2016

Stéphane Antiga

                Stéphane Antiga is a well-known volleyball player and former member of French National Team. He is also famous for his role as the couch of Poland Men’s National Team. It’s worth noting  that in the rookie year of his career as coach, he managed to lead the team to victory in World Championships of 2014. He’s  very controversial figure as despite successes he is disliked both by some of his players and whole Polish Volleyball Federation. The reason for it might be lack of success after his short bright moment in the beginning. This situation and the failure in Rio lead to his  dismissal from the post.

                Speculations as to his next career move have lasted to date. Recently news has surfaced about his decision to lead the Canadian Team. He has signed 4-year contract, which means that he is going to be the one to prepare Canada for the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.

                It remains to be seen what his true merit as couch is. I think that we should be cautious now because they might be the new number one!

My sources:

1 komentarz:

  1. Why not write a post about Poland's legendary coach Hubert Wagner? His success was lasting and resulted from unorthodox training methods.
