czwartek, 21 września 2017

News #1

The Times News

In the article AI can struggle to detect sarcasm the author discusses different aspects of understanding sarcasm. He writes about new software that has been developed in order to do it and various problems arising from this task. One of the ways to detect sarcasm is listen carefully to the tone of voice: then it is easy to spot the difference between “Yes, please wake me up at 8am again” and “Yes, please wake me up at 3am again”.

However in my opinion it’s not all so simple. I can easily understand the difference between waking someone at 8am and 3am but other sentences used in the article as examples are not so easy to comprehend. In order to spot sarcasm you need to share a person’s cultural and historical background. I believe that for AI with a huge database at its disposal it should be easier. 


1 komentarz:

  1. Actually, it seems humour, including irony and sarcasm, is the most difficult part of language to understand for AI. Even if real people don't have a problem with it.
