poniedziałek, 10 kwietnia 2017

Global News 6 April

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they are the only true religion helping people. But, the Ministry of Justice has a different point of view and wants to list them as extremists. This will result in a total ban on any religious celebration, habits and customs for Jehovah’s Witnesses. They will not even be allowed to meet in their Halls of Prayer. Many people remember Stalinist times when the same happened to all religions: there was a complete ban on worship.

I think that this action is not going to have any positive results: both for the country and for the people. It will probably provoke demonstrations and riots. Some people may die but it won’t kill a religion which is likely to go underground. In my opinion everyone should respect other’s differences of opinion and beliefs.

-worship= practice of showing respect for God, like saying prayers and singing

They all gathered in a Hall to worship.
-law-obedient= someone who respect law

We are very law-obedient people and don’t commit crimes.
-remote= far away

His spent a year in this remote village.

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