czwartek, 1 lutego 2018

News #12

China offers wedding cash to boost birthrate
                After the 500+ project in Poland in order to encourage people to have children, we now see China of all places trying to do the same. I was quite surprised with this news as the previous policy of Chinese government allowed for only one child per family. Now officials have noticed the dramatic fall in the number of new citizens and so they decided to have them produced. Hence, all the couples planning a wedding can apply for financial support in order to pay for such things as: alcohol, cars, flats, bridal dresses, banquets and honeymoon travels.
                In my opinion it is ridiculous how our life plans get changed by the rulers of this world. I think that politics shouldn’t interfere in our daily life, not to mention family plans. I hate how those reforms make me think about people. We are treated as objects. The intentions might be good but the way they are put into action is callous.
