niedziela, 28 maja 2017

Global News 27 May

Few days ago a big match of famous Chinese board game called “Go” was held. The event was so unique because of the players that took part in it- the No.1 ranking player Ke Jie and an artificial-intelligence program designed by Google called Alpha Go. The match ended with computer victory. Ke Jie admitted that  there was a huge gap between their abilities and said that machine was much better than he.

 The developers of Alpha Go announced that their program will no longer be  use to play against humans. They also believed that machine might has a possibilities to find cures for diseases, reduce energy consumption and solve a lot of other problems that people can’t.

In my opinion this is great that something like Alpha Go exists. It seems to be a good invention not only for humans but also for environment- it may improves many aspects of our life and reinstates peace in nature. I only hope that nobody would try to use it in bad way.

-defeat= to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition

Alpha Go defeated world Go champion Ke Jie.

-consumption= the amount used/ the act of using

It’s possible that Alpha Go will reduce energy consumption.  

- high-profile= attracting a lot of attention and interest (e.g. from the public/newspapers/television)

He played three high-profile matches.