piątek, 27 stycznia 2017

Six Feet of Sunshine

                Her name is Kerri Walsh Jennings and she is a professional beach volleyball player. This almost 40-year-old woman is a perfect example of combining a great sports career and fulfilling family life. She is an absolute leader in her sports category, both when it comes to the number of victories and revenue. Kerri is a three-time gold medallist of 2004, 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games.

                Her adventure with volleyball started in high school. The high school was also the place where she met her future doubles partner Misty May-Treanor. Volleyball helped her to get a scholarship at Stanford University. She is believed to be the best all-around player in history.

                It is only now, when Misty May-Treanor retired, that Kerri wasn’t  able to win gold in the Olympics. Her children were shocked so she promised them to do it in 2020. If she fulfils her promise, she will be 41, which is going to make her one of the oldest players.

                Walsh is married, with three children. In 2012 she competed while pregnant. I think it’s pretty impressive, the way she combines being a mother and a sport icon.   


My sources:


poniedziałek, 23 stycznia 2017

Torturer or innovator?- part 2

                As mentioned before, Hubert Wagner is known for his strictness. He totally changed Polish volleyball in two aspects- psychological and technical. Last time, I discussed the psychological aspect, now is time for technical ones.

                Hubert Wagner was the first volleyball coach who see the role of physical strength as crucial.  His players were subjected to very demanding trainings. However,  on many occasions, the exercises were a far cry from standard- for example cutting wood or cross county running through the forest.  Often with weights to carry.

                What is more, the players weren’t allowed to drink during training breaks. On account of a possible contusion.

                His son remembers a match with Germany which was very extraordinary because of his father attitude. The couch believed that the opposing team were too weak. Therefore, he sent his own players, one by one, to the adjoining room to jump nine hurdles with a weighted belt. They would later came back to play the game dog-tired. That was a real challenge. People said it was quite controversial to help opponents in this way. However,  4 days later that situation paid-off and Poland won gold for the first time.

                Hubert Wagner is known for exploring the limits of human endurance. That is why some love him, while others hate him.

My sources:
Biography of Hubert Wagner

sobota, 7 stycznia 2017

Torturer or innovator?

                Hubert Wagner is certainly a personality of almost iconic format. Many quotes attributed to him are all over the internet. A lot of them are controversial like for example this one: “We can work on democratic principals but it’s  me who is always right anyway.”

                A University of Technology graduate, he is known for his analytical approach towards Polish team’s opponents. He would sit and watch their matches with copybook analysing each player separately. This technique later became known as scouting.  Right now it’s done by computers.

                What is more, he was the inventor of a unique way the players communicated with one another. Before, the setter decided what the game would look like. However, up from that point the players also had a say. This would often shock the opponents and give the players a sense of team spirit.

                Next, he is known for his individually stick approach. He used to know his players best and refused to let them see a psychologist. He was the one and only source of authority, advice and sympathy. He was like a father figure to his team, however some of them were punished very severely by being expelled. He wouldn’t tolerate disobedience which was shown in the quote above.

                Next week I’ m going to say more about the specific technical aspects of Wagner’s training methods.  

 My sources:
Biography of Hubert Wagner